About Me/Bio

Hey everyone, my name is Nicholas Marcano. I attended Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida for a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Animation. My specialty is being a visual effects artist, and I gotta say I love this field. I originally got into effects work back when I was in high school and working on a robot animation. Our teacher got us some new software and the two of us (the class was bigger but only two of us were doing animation) got to play with something called 3DS Max Design. It was way more fun than working on AutoCAD and Inventor, but hours of playing around at home landed me at school where I found out how to do what I like. Now, whenever I see a movie, it never looks the same again.

I am currently living in Southern California near Los Angeles, due to location of many studios and companies in my line of work. I am pretty much just a freelance artist, working with people that I meet here and there. I spend a lot of my time searching companies, making connections, learning new software and techniques, and working on content for my next demo reel.