Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dynamic Grass Test (Maya)

One of my demo reel assets is a tornado in a grassy field, and a still backplate image just wouldn't look right, so I'm working with a classmate of mine to get the grass to blow in the wind. So far this is just a simple test on my own of just getting the hair system to move the fur system.

Simply enough, I created a default hair system with some randomization and applied to a plane. The plane rotates and stops and waits for the grass to settle. To attach the fur system, I used one of the presets and then, while both were selected, added the hair's dynamics to the fur.

Apologies to anyone who is unable to see the video. As you may know, not everybody wants to pay for the premium accounts for every site they sign up for, so my video is/was taking pretty long to be processed. Just be patient please!! :)